Why and how to reward your team’s effort

March 15, 2020

Employee engagement is an increasingly visible and critical component of the modern workplace. The research says that engaged employees are more productive, healthier, more satisfied, they stick around longer and they’re more loyal. Honestly? We could just go on with listing the benefits of employee engagement for this entire article. But assuming you’re pretty much sold on the why behind implementing employee engagement strategies, we also want to give you some ideas on what that might actually look like in practice.

Here’s how you can make sure you’re rewarding and recognising your team’s efforts on a regular basis.


We’ve talked about it before, but transparency and openness are key to positive organisational culture. That means being upfront about challenges, but it also means being enthusiastic about celebrating the wins.

Have you ever seen someone do something really great but felt like you didn’t have time to communicate what you appreciated about their efforts to them? Make time! Ensuring that your people know that you’re not just there to manage the tough times but also to celebrate the good ones goes a long way to building that positive internal culture.

In addition, targets are an important reality of working in the real estate industry. While many managers keep targets close and not for broader consumption, there’s a real benefit to ensuring your team buys in to your targets too: targets being met becomes their success, just as much as it is yours and the broader business.

These wins mean more opportunity for rewards and recognition.


What better way to say that “you matter to this team” than by celebrating the milestones that acknowledge the time people have spent with your organisation. Anniversary programs, when done well, acknowledge so much more than tenure. They are an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate everything that an employee is at work, so use them as a reason to articulate what it that people bring to the team. The benefits of ensuring employees are seen and celebrated are immense for both the individual and the organisation.


So you understand why building a culture that values celebrating the wins is important and you’re probably considering implementing an anniversary program strategy right now; so what else is there? Here at Gill & Hooper, we’re open to pretty much anything! Ideas that we’ve considered as tools for reward and recognition include team shopping expeditions, team lunches as well as handwritten cards and a more personal touch.

Not all reward and recognition programs have to rely on the organisation handing over a whole lot of cash. Inexpensive options for team outings such as picnics, or options for rewards such as a branded company pin to celebrate activity above and beyond what is expected, can be just as effective.

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